Monday, May 28, 2012

Check!.... (33 weeks)

I am told it is normal at this point in the pregnancy to start running through the checklists in your mind....childbirth classes check, carseats check, daycare reservations check, newborn photographer selected check.  Zach and I LOVE lists (correction: we really like to make lists) so our baby list keep growng and growing.  There are so many things to think about and add to our list...

I think we have enough burp rags...37 sewn, to be exact. (Attempting to save our clothes from massive amounts of spit up, check!)

Glider has been painted and re-upholstered....thanks to Nate and Nikki for the chair and Adam and Emily for the footstool! (nursery, check!)...

This past weekend Zach and I enjoyed some time together just the two of us at the Denver Botanical Gardens (alone time, check!)....

Big smiles and lots of excitement, check!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Santa Fe (32 Weeks)

We had such a relaxing time in Santa Fe this past weekend.  Did you know Santa Fe is second to New York City for the number of art galleries?  We definitely got our fill of art for the next 2 months!  Here are a few pictures of our time there...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Can you ever really be prepared? (31 Weeks)

We survived our first birthing preparation class. A few things we learned:

1. All the other first-timers are just as clueless as we are.

2. "Acting out" birth is probably much funnier compared to the real thing (we couldn't stop giggling!)

3.   We still have a lot to learn….and there is only one more class!  (Good thing we still have infant CPR and Zach is taking a daddy preparation class.)

Zach has been busy getting the nursery ready….

 And I have been busy sewing or successfully avoiding other house projects (how cute are those little owls????)...

Tomorrow we are headed to Santa Fe for a weekend getaway.  We are looking forward to lots of good food and exploring museums and art galleries!