Thursday, January 26, 2012

Busy Building (16 Weeks)

I tried to convince Zach to take my baby bump photos in front of all the ugly old lady wallpaper and curtains in our temporary house but the idea was vetoed as he wanted the pictures to look “nice”.  Don’t worry – I plan to dedicate a post to our current living quarters so you can all see the lovely patterns that we get to enjoy every day.

We are so excited for 2012.  Not only are we “building” a baby, but we are also building a house…here are a few pictures of the recent progress.  March 23rd (when the house is due to be finished) and July 13th (when baby Bisek is due) will be big dates for us in 2012. 

Sew Happy!

My fascination with sewing first began when I was a young girl, probably around 5-years-old.  I would watch my mom hammer away on her old Singer sewing machine working on her most recent project.  Her “adventures” ranged from curtains to teddy bears to Christmas ornaments to dresses and beyond.  The most memorable though was a full-size E.T. costume for Matt to wear one year for Halloween.  It was truly a masterpiece and I remember being in total awe of my mom’s sewing skills.  While she sewed, I kept busy and entertained by sorting through her sewing box which was filled with buttons, thread, patches, ribbon, Velcro and bias tape in every color and size imaginable. 

Fast forward more than 15 years later and to the other side of the world, and I found myself again fascinated as I watched my two host sisters in Turkmenistan sew every night for extra money.  The sewing machine and supplies looked much different than my mom’s but the adventure was the same.  Again, I watched as a bystander helping to cut or grab supplies as needed but I stayed on the sidelines. 

A few years ago, I decided to get into the action myself and bought a fabulous Janome Magnolia 7330 machine.  This is the same machine that I now dream about and miss almost as much as my morning coffee.  My wonderful machine is currently trapped inside of a POD (those containers that people fill up with their household items when moving and have delivered to their new home).  The problem is that you can’t get into the POD without paying lots of money and really irritating your husband.  So, my baby nesting sadly starts without a sewing machine to make burp raps, blankets, bloomers and everything else baby. ..BUT alas Huskystar to the rescue!  My generous friend, Sarah, let me use her husky (literally) machine this past weekend.  In case you don’t believe me that a machine is called “Huskystar”, I took a picture of it….

And here are the fun baby items I was able to make with it…Sew happy! 
Burp Rags
Play Mat