Sunday, February 17, 2013

Loving our guests! (7 Months)

Forgot to mention on the last post that Lucas has started solids...his first food was advocado and he loved it!  We are having a great time seeing him experience new tastes and flavors. 

I am really enjoying making all of his food.  My favorite recipe thus far is apple/squash/raisin puree...yes, I taste them all to try them out.  Zach tells me I need to stop as our freezer is completely full of ziploc bags of frozen cubes.

We had a great time with Grandpa and Grandma last weekend.  We took advantage of their time here and got a few tasks done, like taking down the Christmas village (in February!) and working on the deck.  We even got to go out for dinner one night, just the two of us.  Lucas loved all the time playing with grandpa and grandma...he was very bored when they went home. 

This past weekend Aaron, Nicole and Alex came to visit us.  Alex and Lucas had a great time playing together...Alex is such a great big cousin and was constantly helping to take care of Lucas.  They had such a fun time laughing and playing together - it was so fun to just sit back and watch them interact.

Lucas sits up like a pro now and loves to clap his hands and hear himself "talk". 

And finally, his 7-month photo shoot...

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Milestones (6 Months)

(Sorry for the delay in posts - I was having problems posting pictures but now I am back on track...)

My, how time flies!  It is hard to believe Lucas is already 6-months-old.  We have reached many milestones in the last month.  He is now rolling over and sitting up by is sad that he is growing so fast and at the same time exciting that he is learning new things.  Now, if we could just get this sleep stuff figured out!  Lucas has never been a good sleeper and we are very jealous of our friends that tell us their children sleep from 7am-7pm and don't wake up.  Lucas is often up several times a night and wakes no later than 6am each morning.  Coffee solves everything.  Yes, we get frustrated but we remind ourselves this will pass.  We are so grateful for a healthy baby.  Over the holidays, we went to Grandpa and Grandma's church in St. Cloud and a one-year-old was receiving a blessing for an upcoming surgery for fluid around her brain.  She will not likely live much longer - definitely puts our few sleepless nights in perspective.

We went out for brunch today to celebrate Lucas's 1/2 birthday....

 He is loving the fish at the zoo...

Our happy baby's 6-month photo shoot...