Sunday, March 17, 2013

More Teeth! (8 Months)

Each day brings something new with our little boy...and lately it has been teeth!  In addition to his bottome two teeth, his top two teeth have broken through.  The top two look to be spaced pretty far apart so it is looking like he may have inherited his momma's teeth (I did have braces twice, headgear, neckgear and still to this day wear a retainer!).

At his doctor appointment on Friday he weighed in at 19 1/2 pounds.  He is one big boy!  Just today he showed some interest in army crawling to get to his favorite toy - hopefully that continues.  He hates to be on his tummy so that has definitely delayed any movement on his stomach.  Lucas also loves to stand up and hold on to the ottoman or couch.

Luckily we made it into swimming lessons this summer at one of our outdoor pools.  It is super difficult to get into the lessons as there are so many kids in our area.  We are super happy that Nora, our 1-year-old neighbor, made it into the same class as Lucas. 

Toys - anything musical, kitchen utensils, toy alligator
Food - prunes, peas, strawberry/beet puffs
Books - anything with baby faces
Activities - smiling at other babies, sitting on daddy's shoulders, playing with daddy, really anything to do with daddy

Lounging on the couch -

Playing at the library -

8 Month Photo Shoot -

Monday, March 4, 2013

On the Move (7 1/2 Months)

About 4 weeks after Lucas was born, I joined a great group called Stroller Strides.  It is a workout group for moms that incorporates the stroller.  It was my saving grace during my maternity leave as some days that was my only reason to leave the house.  The best part....everyone's babies would cry at some point and there was no judgement or no thinking, "will he EVER stop crying?!".  The teacher would always say, "No one else can hear your baby cry but you."  I have learned babies cry a lot and Lucas was no exception. 
Because I went back to work full-time and Stroller Strides meets at 9:30 each morning, I had to quit going to the group.  When I heard a Stroller Strides Saturday winter running group was starting up, I couldn't wait to sign up.  The plan was to train for and run three races - a 5K in December, a 5-mile in January and a 10-mile race in February.  Training included running every Saturday morning together as a group and two runs throughout the week.  Well, I never made a weekday run....BUT I didn't miss a weekend run.  The running was actually easy as we all chatted the whole time and before you knew it, we had finished 5 miles or 7 miles or 9 miles.  Last weekend was our 10-mile race and surprisingly I am sad that it has come to an end...

Speaking of moving, Lucas is more and more active every day.  Is he crawling?  No.  Rolling over?  Well, not exactly.  But he does love to be carried around, especially on daddy's shoulders.

Soon enough he will be moving through the streets of Denver in his new Burley.  Can't wait to connect it to the back of our bikes and ride to Jazz in the Park and the farmer's market. 

We had a super fun weekend with Uncle Matty and Auntie Jana in Pagosa Springs.  Lucas did really well on the 5 1/2 hour car ride - can't wait to explore more new places with him!