Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Father's Day! (11 Months)

We had an action-packed Father's Day in the Bisek family to celebrate Zach's first big day!  We started the day by going to our neighborhood farmer's market and then jumped in the car and headed to the foothills for a hike.  What a great way to escape the heat!  We had no idea it would be 60 and raining....good thing we had a spare set of fleece jammies in Lucas's diaper bag!

After the hike, we headed back to town in time to go to Jazz in the Park.  Every Sunday evening in the summer everyone brings their picnic dinner and bottle of wine to City Park to listen to the jazz music.  It was so much fun to have Lucas with us as we used to go all the time when it was just the two of us.  The plethora of dogs and little kids kept Lucas entertained.

My attempt at a family picture...

Earlier in the week we had a play date with our neighbor, Nora (15 months) and her mom, Claire.  They had a great time playing together...

Last Saturday marked our first day of swimming lessons.  Lucas had a blast!  He absolutely loves being in the water and doesn't mind going under.  Looks like he will fit right in at the lake!

 Post-swimming lesson warm up with Nora...

And finally the 11-month photo shoot....

He is such a happy boy....and we couldn't be having more fun than we are right now.  He is cruising along furniture and loves to turn the water on and off on our bathroom tub.  He recently discovered the toilet paper roll and the fun he can have pulling the toilet paper.  Waving "bye bye" is his newest trick and it is often quite delayed in its delivery. 

We are looking forward to the big upcoming birthday party...Grandpa and Grandma AND Papa and Ya-ya are all coming for the celebration!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Keeping Busy!

Memorial Day weekend I headed to Portland with 4 of my college girlfriends - we had a great time catching up and enjoying sunny weather (in Portland?).  Just like the good 'ol days...but we got to bed much earlier!

 This past weekend we went to the Roller Derby with several of our neighbors.  Lucas had his first sleepover with his neighborhood friends at our house.  We were shocked when we returned home and all the kids were asleep.  (Our neighbors wanted to leave their kids there, but we wouldn't let them! :) ).

On Sunday, we attended our neighbor's one-year birthday party.  Lucas loved climbing through the tunnel and the weather was perfect.   

Our little boy is getting in another 4 teeth so life has been a little rough as of late.  We can't get enough of his big toothy smiles!