Friday, March 30, 2012

Ode to Big Mary's

(Big Mary’s is the name of our temporary dwelling that we have been living in for the last 6 months while our house was being built.  It is Zach’s boss’s house and Zach’s boss, Craig, lives next door.  The plan is to eventually tear Big Mary’s down (if that gives you an idea of the state of the house) but in the meantime, Zach’s boss graciously allowed us to live here rent-free.  The name, Big Mary, originates from the previous owner.   Two Mary’s lived on the street and in order to differentiate which house Craig’s kids were going to, one house was Little Mary’s and the other was Big Mary’s.)

With that being said, an Ode to Big Mary’s….

The wallpaper is terribly bright
And the walls are filled with cracks

But we love Big Mary’s “character”
And have slowly stopped noticing the things she lacks.

The bathroom vanity is in the kitchen
And the dishwasher is not
But we love Big Mary’s quirkiness

And pointing out her flaws we have stopped.

The wallpaper even covers the ceilings
And the floors are certainly squeaky
But we love Big Mary’s sense of style

And have learned to live with faucets that are leaky.

There are no outlets in the bathrooms
And the children’s drawings on the walls are funny
But we love Big Mary’s history

And certainly have appreciated saving money!

 A HUGE thank you to Craig – don’t tell us when the wrecking ball is coming, we don’t want to be there!

A few pictures of the wallpaper, curtains and drawings…

And a picture of the outside of the house… Our friends have said, “it looks way better from the outside!”


  1. Love the poem - and actually kind of like that bright pink wallpaper . . .

  2. I want a comparison rating between Big Mary's and Chubby's!!

  3. Haha! I was gonna say, Did Chubby's prep you for life at Big Mary's?! What a creative poem. The house brings out the best in you!
