Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Back to Work Blues

I start back to work tomorrow and I have mixed emotions.  I really enjoyed my maternity leave and spending every day for the past 3 months with Lucas has been a true blessing.  I have learned watching him sleep in my arms can waste away the majority of the day and I have enjoyed every moment of it.  Forget the laundry or the dirty floors or dinner for that matter!  He is such a good baby and it is going to be so hard to be away for him tomorrow.  On the other hand, being a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) is really tough!  It is a thankless job and I so admire the moms I know that do it every day (my sis and my mom!)
I got pretty far on my "maternity leave to-do list".  We went on countless walks and I even attempted to organize the mudroom.  Here is a pic of the curtains I made for his room that I finished yesterday....just in the nick of time!
And the work on the deck continues...

And finally a picture of our cute boy (hat made by ya-ya!)


  1. Awww what a cute smile! Can't believe how time flies - your maternity leave is over already??

    I'm sure the first days back will be tough, I'll be thinking of you!

  2. OH my! I feel for you Megs. Let's talk soon....lots of supportive love to your transition. What a blessing that leave time is as you get to know each other. He's adorable and Zach sure knows how to work major machinery!

  3. I'm sorry I never got a chance to call and catch up before you went back to work - I can't believe it's already here! We are thinking of you during this change . . . Lucas is so cute in his orange hat. Hope to chat soon :) Hannah
